Assessment: Content and Investigation (LIGO)

For ongoing assessment, follow the guidance your teacher gave you at the beginning of the project. For final assessment, the following rubric assesses what you learned about seismic data and how well you conducted your study.

Student Researcher: _____________________

Partners: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Exceeds Expectations
(3 points)
Meets Expectations
(2 points)
Does Not Meet Expectations
(1 or 0 points)
Correctly define speed, arrival time, frequency and amplitude. Show how all of these are measured, calculated or otherwise indicated from seismometer data. Correctly define speed, arrival time, frequency and amplitude. Show how one of these is measured, calculated or otherwise indicated from seismometer data. Incompletely define speed, arrival time, frequency and amplitude. Fail to show how any of these are measured, calculated or otherwise indicated from seismometer data.  
Clearly and completely explain the changes/variations/features that are present in the LIGO seismic data that you used for your e-Lab investigation, pointing out alternative explanations for the changes/variations/features when appropriate. Clearly explain the changes/variations/features that are present in the LIGO seismic data that you used for your e-Lab investigation. Incompletely or inaccurately explain the changes/variations /features that are present in the LIGO seismic data that you used for your e-Lab investigation.
Clearly describe at least four environmental factors or processes that are evident in seismometer data and that have the potential to disturb LIGO's gravitational wave detectors. Clearly describe at least two environmental factors or processes that are evident in seismometer data and that have the potential to disturb LIGO's gravitational wave detectors. Incompletely or inaccurately describe environmental factors or processes that are evident in seismometer data and that have the potential to disturb LIGO's gravitational wave detectors.
Design, execute and publish an investigation using LIGO seismometer data that provides a clear and well-tested explanation for a set of observations made from seismometer data.

Design, execute and publish an investigation using LIGO seismometer data that explains a set of observations made from seismometer data.

Incompletely design and execute, or fail to publish, an investigation using LIGO seismometer data.




OVERALL POINT TOTAL: _____________